
ensure that cotton Learn more about ensure that cotton

  • Cotton target price reform starts Agricultural Development Bank 60 billion yuan to ensure "money, etc."

    Cotton target price reform starts Agricultural Development Bank 60 billion yuan to ensure

    In order to tie in with the cotton target price reform, this year, the Agricultural Development Bank proposed for the first time to implement a differentiation strategy in Xinjiang and the mainland, taking Xinjiang as the focus of credit support, preparing 60 billion yuan of funds and will continue to add according to the needs of the acquisition. to ensure that the acquisition enterprises will not break in November in Xinjiang.

    2016-03-20 Cotton target price reform start Agricultural Development Bank 60 billion yuan for
  • Wang Xiaobing: to ensure the basic stability of cotton production and supply

    Wang Xiaobing: to ensure the basic stability of cotton production and supply

    Wang Xiaobing, deputy director of the Department of Market and Economic Information of the Ministry of Agriculture, believes that carrying out a pilot project on cotton target prices and abolishing the temporary collection and storage policy in Xinjiang is an innovative measure to improve the price policy of agricultural products under the new situation. To protect the interests of farmers, enhance market vitality, and promote

    2016-03-20 Wang Xiaobing ensure that cotton production and supply basic
  • Cotton planting in Heilonggang area during the 13th five-year Plan

    Cotton planting in Heilonggang area during the 13th five-year Plan

    Cotton planting in Heilonggang area during the 13th five-year Plan

  • Cotton pre-planting preparation

    Cotton pre-planting preparation

    Cotton pre-planting preparation

  • Cash crops are no longer economical: cotton farmers' income per mu is only more than 1200 yuan.

    Cash crops are no longer economical: cotton farmers' income per mu is only more than 1200 yuan.

    From input to output, cotton farmers feel that growing cotton is no longer economical, reducing the planting area. The problems faced by cotton production warn us that grain production should beware of this uneconomic situation. Next month, the new cotton year will begin. Has been continuously implemented

    2016-03-20 Cash crops no longer economy cotton farmers per mu land income only from
  • The latest cotton pre-planting preparation

    The latest cotton pre-planting preparation

    The planting area of cotton in our country is very large. It is also a very important textile food crop, and it is an indispensable raw material for making quilts, cotton clothes and other warm materials. So now there are more and more people planting, but when planting cotton, I

    2020-11-10 The latest cotton planting before preparation work flowers in our country
  • The market return of cotton target price cotton planting is guaranteed and the benefit is high.

    The market return of cotton target price cotton planting is guaranteed and the benefit is high.

    At present, the Turpan region of Xinjiang has comprehensively begun to purchase cotton. The purchase of cotton this year is somewhat different from previous years, and the monitoring of cotton prices in many places in Xinjiang has been strengthened in order to ensure the steady progress of the pilot work of cotton target price reform. According to the Central Committee this year

    2016-03-20 Cotton target price market return cotton planting have guarantee
  • Current management measures of cotton

    Current management measures of cotton

    Recently, there has been a series of moderate to heavy rain and local torrential rain in our district, resulting in waterlogging in some cotton fields. At present, cotton is about to enter the flowering and boll setting period, due to waterlogging to promote cotton root senescence, will affect the normal flowering and boll setting, resulting in the reduction of cotton yield and quality. Therefore, the following management measures should be taken to ensure high cotton yield. 1. Timely drainage. By all means, waterlogging in the cotton field should be eliminated as soon as possible to ensure the dispersing of moisture and ventilation in the cotton field, and to strive for the root system to return to normal growth and promote flowering and boll setting as far as possible. 2. Chase

  • Technical guidance on Management in the later stage of Cotton production in 2016

    Technical guidance on Management in the later stage of Cotton production in 2016

    Technical guidance on Management in the later stage of Cotton production in 2016

  • Target Price Reform promotes the structural Transformation of Cotton Industry

    Target Price Reform promotes the structural Transformation of Cotton Industry

    In 2014, China launched a pilot project of cotton target price reform in Xinjiang, while abolishing the temporary cotton collection and storage policy throughout the country. How is the progress of the pilot reform? What achievements have been made? What is the room for improvement in practice? On these questions, the reporter interviewed.

    2016-03-20 Target price reform boost cotton industry adjustment structure transfer
  • Management methods of Cotton in Autumn

    Management methods of Cotton in Autumn

    Management methods of Cotton in Autumn

  • Target Price Reform will promote the healthy Development of Cotton Industry

    Target Price Reform will promote the healthy Development of Cotton Industry

    Since 2004, China has established a cotton price adjustment system based on temporary collection and storage policy, agricultural subsidy system and import and export regulation, which has achieved the goal of increasing farmers' efficiency and increasing the income of farmers and workers. To a certain extent, to the important cotton producing areas of our country.

    2016-03-20 Goal price reform will promotion cotton industry health development
  • The latest Management method of Cotton in Autumn

    The latest Management method of Cotton in Autumn

    Now the weather has gradually cooled down, and it has officially entered autumn, and the management of cotton has also reached the final critical period. Many friends' early management is very good, that is, in the final stage, the management is relaxed, resulting in the output of cotton is still not satisfactory.

    2020-11-10 The latest autumn cotton flower management method now weather gradually
  • The growing environment of cotton

    The growing environment of cotton

    The growing environment of cotton

  • The latest growth environment of cotton

    The latest growth environment of cotton

    Cotton is a very special food in our life, is the main raw material of all kinds of textiles, and the planting area in our country is very large. Cotton is a necessity for us, so more and more people grow it. But it's not everywhere.

    2020-11-10 Most new cotton flower growth environment cotton yes we life
  • The latest prevention and control measures of dead cotton seedlings

    The latest prevention and control measures of dead cotton seedlings

    There is a great demand for cotton in our country, and many daily necessities are inseparable from cotton. The cultivation of cotton is also very widespread in our country. If you want to get high yield cotton, you have to start from the seedling tube. Good management of seedlings can ensure at least half of the yield, but the young of cotton

    2020-11-10 The latest cotton dead seedlings control measures flowers in our country
  • Matters needing attention in advance of cotton sowing date

    Matters needing attention in advance of cotton sowing date

    Is it possible to advance the sowing date of cotton? According to the practice of cotton sowing for many years, the lesson in this aspect is very profound. Indeed, using plastic film mulching to raise seedlings in a nutrition bowl, cotton seedlings can also be cultivated by sowing seeds in mid-late March and early April, and a large-scale demonstration has been made in production, but the result is that it is very difficult to manage and it is difficult to ensure that the whole seedling is strong. First, the cold wave is frequent in the first and middle of April, the temperature varies greatly, and the north wind patronizes many times, so it is difficult to grasp the cover of the seedbed film; second, if you encounter continuous overcast

  • Pest Control techniques of Cotton in sowing and Seedling stage

    Pest Control techniques of Cotton in sowing and Seedling stage

    Cotton sowing and nursery stage is an important link in cotton production. According to the forecast of the municipal meteorological station, the precipitation in the spring of 2008 (from March to April) is slightly less, 2000mm 250mm in the Dabie Mountains and 240mm 290mm in other areas. The average temperature in spring is close to the normal year, the temperature changes greatly, the cold air is active frequently, and the cold weather in late spring may occur. It is more beneficial to the occurrence of cotton leaf mite and cotton thrips, because the temperature changes greatly, which is not conducive to the growth of cotton seedlings, reduces the resistance of cotton seedlings, and is also beneficial to cotton seedling disease.

  • Key points of Jujube-Cotton intercropping cultivation in Garden Construction

    Key points of Jujube-Cotton intercropping cultivation in Garden Construction

    The three-dimensional planting mode of jujube-cotton interplanting in Aksu area can not only promote the growth of jujube trees in the young stage, but also ensure the yield of interplanting cotton, which is a better cultivation mode to improve the economic benefits of planting. First, cultivation index 1. The suitable cotton variety is Zhongmian 35, with an average harvest number of 1.1 ~ 12000 plants / 667m2, 5.5 bolls per plant, 5.0g boll weight per plant, 38% lint percentage and ≥ 85% lint yield before frost.

  • Preparation work before cotton sowing

    Preparation work before cotton sowing

    First, make preparations before the broadcast. Land preparation, direct seeding cotton field should be raked in time during the suitable moisture period to preserve soil moisture, so that the plough layer is virtual and solid. 1. Deep ploughing and soil preparation: the cultivated time of cotton field can be divided into winter ploughing and spring ploughing, and winter ploughing is better than spring ploughing. Winter ploughing is deeper, usually 20-30 cm. Spring ploughing should be appropriate shallow, generally 13-16 cm is appropriate; after ploughing to fine soil preparation, so that the upper and lower solid, loose soil quality, water storage to preserve soil moisture. 2. Applying sufficient base fertilizer: applying sufficient base fertilizer and improving soil fertility is the basis of high yield of cotton. The amount of base fertilizer should be based on yield, soil fertility and fertilizer.
